1.1.1 Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee
1.1.2 Participation of Teachers in Various Bodies
| Number of courses offered
| Name of the workshop seminar
1.2.1 Percentage of interdisciplinary
1.2.2 Name of students enrolled in sub related certificates dip
1.3.2 Number of workshops seminars conducted
1.3.3 number of students enrolled in value added course
1.3.4 QnM Percentage of students undertaking field visits clip
1.4.1 QnM Mechanism in place to collect structured feedback
1.4.1 and 1.4.2 collect structured feedback
1.41 1.4.2 Feedback on curricula and syllabus
1.4.1 Mechanism is in place to obtain structured feedback on curriculasyllabi from various stakeholders
1.4.2 Feedback on curricula and syllabi obtained from stakeholders