6.1.1 Link for achievements which led to Institutional excellence
6.1.1 Link for Vision and Mission documents
6.2.1 organisational structure 2
6.2.1 strategic Plan document s
6.2.2 Account Finance SOFT SYSTEMS
6.2.2 E Governance
6.3.5 Link for performance Appraisal System
6.5.1 IQAC MoM
6.5.1 IQAC relevant information
6.5.1 structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
6.2.2 E Governance additional information
6.3.5 Link for_performance Appraisal System
6.3.5 performance appraisal relevant information
6.4.2 Audit Report 5 Years
6.3.1 Link for list of beneficiaries of welfare measures
6.3.1 Policy Welfare
6.3.5 A_performance appraisal
6.4.1 Procedures for optimal resource utilization
6.4.1 Resource moblization policy